Vidya Balan faced criticism after posting, and quickly deleting, a WhatsApp message screenshot on Instagram praising Indian cricket captain Rohit Sharma. The message applauded Sharma’s decision to opt out of the fifth Test against Australia during the Border-Gavaskar Trophy (BGT) 2024-25 to prioritize the team's performance over his own. Following the backlash, Balan’s team issued a statement clarifying that her post was genuine and not influenced by external parties.
Her team explained the actor’s admiration for Sharma’s selfless act, stating, “Ms. Balan was moved by his grace under pressure and posted the message of her own volition. To attribute her actions to a PR-generated narrative is completely preposterous.” Vidya Balan’s Praise Sparks Debate Online After deleting the Instagram post, Vidya Balan took to X (formerly Twitter) to reiterate her admiration for Sharma. She wrote, “Rohit Sharma, what a SUPERSTAR!! To take a pause & catch your breath requires courage … More power to you … Respect !! @ImRo45.” Despite her clarification, reactions remained mixed, with some netizens appreciating her sentiments and others questioning her intentions.
Rohit Sharma, what a SUPERSTAR ????!! To take a pause & catch your breath requires courage … More power to you … Respect ???? !! @ImRo45 — vidya balan (@vidya_balan) January 4, 2025
Vidya wasn’t alone in lauding Rohit Sharma. Filmmaker Farhan Akhtar also praised the cricketer, calling him a “superstar” in a heartfelt social media post. Akhtar acknowledged the pressures of being a captain and commended Sharma for prioritizing the team over personal form. He wrote, “You’d be hard-pressed to think of a captain who voluntarily steps aside for the team. That’s what makes a great leader.”
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Rohit Sharma Speaks on His Decision Amid Mixed Reactions Rohit Sharma addressed the situation during a press conference at the Sydney Cricket Ground, explaining the reasoning behind his decision to step back. He clarified that his choice was not related to retirement but rather a tactical move based on his current form. “The team needed a player in form for the final Test, and I believed stepping aside was the right decision,” Sharma said, assuring fans of his commitment to the game.
Also Read: Farhan Akhtar praises “Superstar” Rohit Sharma’s “Selflessness” after his standdown from Australia Test: “It’s a hard thing to do and only the strongest of mind and heart can do it”